International Trade Fair and Forum Verde.Tec to be held in May next year
As announced by T-Press, the 4th edition of the International Trade Fair and Forum Verde.Tec / Environmental Technologies will be held from May 14-16,2021 at the MEC Exhibition Center in Paiania, Attika, Greece. It will be a meeting ground for the experts and pioneers on the circular economy, smart cities and environmental technologies.
"It is with a huge sense of responsibility that we came to this decision, putting everyone's (exhibitors, participants, visitors and personnel) health first. We appreciate everyone's understanding and we make a promise to meet the highest of your expectations in May 2021. We shall host and organize a stronger Verde.Tec, a more interesting Forum -already regarded as the annual environmental event- and even more exciting night for the Greek Green Awards!", said the organiser in a statement.
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