EEAA introduces #ExpoReady campaign
The Events and Exhibitions Association of Australia (EEAA) has launched its #ExpoReady campaign announcing that the sector is ready to return to business in a controlled and COVIDSafe way.
The campaign is focussed on those states that are in a position to host events now, with shows booked and ready to run. It is the first stage of implementing the EEAA Rebuild Strategy.
The EEAA is aware of the challenges being faced in Victoria at this moment, however, as a national organisation, they recognise that there are a number of states that are #ExpoReady now. For these states and their events, EEAA notes that “it is vital for their survival and the positive economic impact that they get back to business as soon as possible. The learnings and protocols that are going to be implemented by the other states will mean that we are ready to help Victoria to bounce back effectively when they are ready.”
The #ExpoReady campaign was created to provide the exhibition industry with the same message that can be used and rolled out to associations, exhibitors and visitors that positively re-enforces the EEAA’s key message at this time - that they are ready to reconnect businesses, ready to operate safely, ready to do business and ready to welcome exhibitors and visitors.
EEAA advise that “the word ‘Ready’ was selected as a positive word and one that indicates action and preparedness to act. We are ‘Ready’ to do our part, instilling confidence and resuming business for our industry, and to contribute to the economic multiplier effect.
“This coming together of like-minded people, whatever the industry, is not only good for business, but it’s also good for people’s mental health. The start of exhibitions can be a bringing together of business and a healing process for people to reconnect with their tribe.”
EEAA Chief Executive, Claudia Sagripanti said,“it was pleasing to hear the Prime Minister say, while international events will take some time to recover, it’s equally a tremendous opportunity for national businesses to capitalise on closed borders. Exhibitions domestically can act and move far quicker which will stimulate the economy, reconnect industries, and build wealth within our own country. Our industry can operate in a more controlled environment, with exhibition centres purpose-built to control the entry and movement of people. Standard exhibition technology can record and trace visitors. Unlike shopping centres, which seemingly have no strict controls in place, exhibitions can control virtually every aspect of their environment including tracking visitors and exhibitors.”
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